SCHOOL NOVELS: My first three published novels, Saving Miss Oliver’s, No Ivory Tower and The Encampment, are all set in Miss Oliver’s School for Girls, a fiercely feminist New England boarding school, founded by a woman, designed by women, run by a woman, with a curriculum that focuses on the way women learn. Everything in the Saga of Miss Oliver’s School for Girls evolves from my 30-year career in independent schools, first as an English teacher, later as head of school, board member and consultant in independent schools.
COMING NEXT : Ninety-Day Wonder, subtitled, The Navy Would Have Been Better Off Without Me, on both audio and print, a recollection of two years spent in over my head as a junior officer aboard ship just after the end of the Korean War.
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: Four projects: Born on Third Base, a memoir, Sacred Places, a multi-generation novel set in backwoods New Hampshire at the close of World War Two, a screenplay of The Encampment, and a collection of short stories all set in Miss Oliver’s School for Girls.
JOURNALISM: In the 1970’s while teaching English at Kingswood-Oxford School in West Hartford, CT, I did part-time free-lance journalism, publishing several articles about the environment in The New York Times Sunday Magazine and The Hartford Courant and an article about how Black kids were faring in “elite” independent schools that for years had excluded them. This was published in The Saturday Review, a respected magazine that, like so many iconic print journals, is now defunct.
CAPITOL AREA DISTINGUISHED TEACHER AWARD: In 1968, I received The Capital Area (Hartford, CT) Distinguished teacher Award from Trinity College. One each was awarded to an independent school and a public school teacher each year.